how does one maintain balance while trying to be great at everything? if you are reading this and expecting the answer please don’t be disappointed as i’m still searching for the answer. there are some hours where i think i might not be behind the 8 ball. and then i look in the kitchen and see dirty dishes where there once was only bare counter.
having 3 fiesty boys i have resigned myself to the fact that it is my lot in life to be a cleaner, picker upper of toys and tossed sippy cups. maker of grilled cheese and mac n cheese. enforcer of fair play and warden of nap times. lunch packer and chauffeur. and this is only my mommy jobs…
trying to maintain a successful and loving marriage is no simple task. having a simple conversation while the kids are awake is less than simple…i think we usually can get a few sentences out before someone is asking for a drink, or just seeking our attention so we rely on the family calendar to ensure we know each others schedules. quite honestly once the kids are asleep we are both mentally exhausted that we usually end up on the couch beside one another watching separate shows (me on the tv and adam on the ipad) hey it’s still quality time when we are in the same room, right? thankfully our care group is focusing on how to have a successful relationship and after 10 years i know without a doubt there’s no one else i’d rather be married to and its a fun challenge to make it even better
running a home business is not without its own challenges. i’ll be the first to admit that the business and marketing side is not my strong suit. i have lots of ideas rolling around in my head and in various note books but putting them into action is the hardest part. i’m a procrastinator by nature and i’m very good at finding things i’d rather do other than work on SEO.
so here i am editing a boudoir session, watching olympics, checking facebook and looking at bridesmaid dresses for my sister-in-laws upcoming wedding while also waiting for the washer to finish so i can switch it to the dryer…all in a days work
if anyone has any idea’s on how to maintain a healthy balance between work, life and fun please leave me a note