Happy Easter Monday!!!
Today I’m going to be talking about how to think in Marriage…
The quote I’ve chosen is “The goal in Marriage is not think alike, but to think together.” – Robert C. Dodds
There is a famous saying that “opposites attract” which I tend to agree with. While it is great to have a few things in common, it’s also fun to challenge each other to try new things. I think it would get really boring to have someone who just agreed with me all the time. I want to be married to someone who can give me a new outlook on a situation. Get me thinking outside the box.
In looking back over the past decade with Adam, we have a lot in common but also there are things that I definitely have to push my self to do…I never grew up camping for an example…whereas this was a staple for Adam’s youth. So it has been a big obstacle for me to literally get out of my comfort zone to sleep outside in a tent. But it’s something I do (unless I’m pregnant) for my husband. Because it’s very important for him that his boys grow up with these memories and adventures, and they LOVE it!!! So there is a little part of me that has grown more fond of it as I watch them really getting into it.
I think it’s a must to agree on the fundamentals though, which in our relationship are:
– we agree on our Spiritual Beliefs (this one is HUGE for me as it filters down into the rest-it is a much bigger struggle IMO to be married to someone that you don’t agree with on this subject
– how to raise our children. This includes discipline, how we direct them, how we challenge them to be better people and how to contribute to society.
– where and how to spend our money (this is not always an easy one as Adam is the main bread winner and I am the main bill payer, but it is something that we talk about and can “think together” on)
– Another big one is that early on we decided that “divorce” was never going to be on the table for us. We have both seen how marriage can fail, love can end, and insults can fly so for us its not an option to give up on our relationship (this is not a judgement on those that choose divorce as I do not know the struggles everyone faces and I think there are definite reasons to not stay together, this is just a personal choice that we made to one another and God)
So I would love to encourage you to think together instead of alike. Remember you are two individuals within one union. You need to respect your spouse’s opinions and really “hear” where they are coming from as well as respectfully give your opinions